<p>Eidos, the computer games maker behind the Tomb Raider series, suffered another blow yesterday when Sony admitted to a shortfall of its long-awaited PlayStation 2.</p>
<p>Nintendo yesterday became the last of Japan's big game machine makers to enter the competitive market for next-generation consoles by revealing it would start selling Gamecube in Japan next July.</p>
<p>Allan Borrell praises Steven Poole's unique contribution to the annals of video games, Trigger Happy</p>
<p>Video games will make your kids violent and more likely to fail at school, according to new research. Nothing could be further from the truth, says games junkie Steven Poole.</p>
The global launch next month of a new monster-like character for the Japanese Pokemon computer game will be one of the most hyped events of this new century. And, perhaps more significantly (or worryingly - for parents at least), it will offer another opportunity to witness a growing phenomenon: pester power.
<p><a href="[http://www.sony.com]">Sony</a> yesterday unveiled the machine that could make it the world's dominant player in home entertainment. The PlayStation 2 will not only be the world's most advanced games console, it will also play DVD movies.</p>
<p>Sam Houser's last video game was denounced as 'sick and deluded'. As its equally violent sequel is launched, he talks to Steven Poole</p>
<p>Jack Schofield talks to the creator of Donkey Kong and Zelda about the future of gaming</p>