​Some games are meant to be played forever, but you have to know when to pull the plug, even if you haven’t finished it
A medieval rags-to-riches fantasy demands extreme patience of its players, but those willing to put in the hours will be rewarded with an absorbing simulation
From an intergalactic puzzle-solving beetle to a search for the Tusk of Ganesh, developers have put Sony’s impressive console to astoundingly imaginative use
The fiendishly addictive sim returns with compelling fresh challenges across the ages. Prepare to say goodbye to a lot of free time
A graceful game of tricks, turns and time trials, as you either race against the clock and other players or just glide through the wilderness on your own terms
It’s bizarre that a game featuring Hitler and Mussolini on their rise to power feels comforting, but here at least it is entirely permitted – indeed encouraged – to beat up Nazis
Gareth Damian Martin’s dice-driven role-playing game takes you on a space road trip with the flotsam and jetsam of humanity
Ahead of a new digital archive of video game history, I got to thinking about how the games, magazines and other material says as much about the player as the games themselves
As the Video Game History Foundation opens a new digitised archive, what can titles like Crash, Mega, Edge and GamesMaster tell us about the early days of gaming?
From exhilarating driving through the British countryside to an action romp with ancient Greek gods – Microsoft’s console duo has built a players’ treasure chest