<strong>Exclusive:</strong> Rupert Lowe recently fitted panels on his farm, it emerges, as Reform claims renewables are more expensive
Insiders baffled by attacks on Richard Hermer, which some believe are a proxy for criticism of government’s direction
The Tory leader seems to be getting worse by the week – who knew thinking up a few coherent questions was so hard?
Opposition leader says PM was wrong when he said that the decision was taken under the last government
New ambassador to US and his consultancy firm under spotlight over links to agency said to have aim of co-opting western businesspeople
Home Office accused of shutting out refugees, as new guidance says those applicants will ‘normally be refused’
Maybe a trade war is in no one’s interests … or maybe everyone in government is pretending there’s nothing to worry about
Leadership takes further action over ‘Trigger Me Timbers’ group after suspension of two of its MPs
UK failed to sign agreement at end of Paris summit, along with the US
UK ambassador to Washington says Britain has a strong relationship with US and can influence president