<p>How do you turn a middle-aged, bookish writer who loathes computer games and violence into a gun-toting, head-stamping street punk? Simple - deliver a stack of the latest consoles to his front door. <strong>Geoff Dyer</strong> plugs in and loses his games virginity. </p>
<p>The arrival of video gaming as an element in both my life and popular culture was heralded not with the visceral thrill of punk rock or the glacial romanticism of Joy Division (both of which would later go on to inform my lifelong love of pop music) but with the metronomic recreation of a slowly speeding up heartbeat. By <strong>Giles Richards</strong>.</p>
<p>Big Mutha Truckers 2: Truck Me Harder | Gungrave: Overdose | Alternate reality gaming</p>
<p>F1 2005 | Codename Panzers: Phase 2 | Gungrave Overdose</p>
<p>Another Code: Two Memories | Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack</p>
<p>Advance Wars Dual Strike</p>
<p>Killer7 | Cricket 2005 | Bomberman</p>
<p>Super Monkeyball Deluxe | Tekken 5 | NTI, London</p>
<p>Another Code: Two Memories | WarioWare Twisted | Bomberman Hardball</p>
<p>A teenage father who became irritable if he was interrupted while playing computer games killed one of his four-month-old twin sons and badly injured the other, it was alleged in court today.</p>