<p>7 Sins | Medal Of Honor: European Assault</p>
<p>Trivial Pursuit Star Wars Saga Edition | Pac-Pix | Pariah</p>
<p>Can children really learn anything useful from computer games? <strong>Jim McClellan</strong> finds out.</p>
<p>Playstation 3 | Xbox 360 | Gameboy Micro | Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princes | Tomb Raider: Legend | Peter Jackson's King Kong | Gears of War | Okami | Call of Duty 2</p>
<p>Electronic upstarts seek a piece of cinema action.</p>
<p>Forza Motorsport | Championship Manager 5</p>
<p>As in-game dynamic advertising becomes increasingly popular and lucrative, <strong>Chris Alden</strong> considers the visual consequences for gamers.</p>
<p>Yoshi Touch & Go | Enthusia Professional Racing | SingStar Popworld</p>
<p>The chunky black original Xbox might not have been the most aesthetically pleasing thing to put in your front room, but with 20m sold worldwide, Microsoft's machine has truly earned a place in today's entertainment culture. By <strong>Rhianna Pratchett</strong>.</p>
<p>Stronghold 2 | Pariah | Spy vs Spy</p>