This compulsive atavistic mystery is told through bewildering yet tantalising non-linear narrative strands that the player must tease apart
A wave of innovative indie games bring a sense of optimism to an industry in urgent need of a confidence boost
After a less happy time attached to triple-A games, Jayanth has settled on smaller, freer developers – and is using that freedom to speak up for causes bigger companies would rather ignore
Developer Supergiant Games has released its hotly anticipated sequel to 2020’s Hades in an early-access, unfinished state – but its powers are already godlike
Head into battle with your own turbo-charged squadron in this crowd-funded Pokémonesque sequel to the the Japanese designer’s classic Suikoden series
Part newspapers, part fanzines, these titles were a lifeline to information-starved gamers and generated a sense of community to rival any YouTube streamer
UK indie outfit Roll7 is reportedly facing closure, along with Bethesda’s Tango Gameworks and Arkane Austin – but if making award-running, profitable games doesn’t guarantee safety, what will?
This lushly detailed game with a chunkily retro polygonal protagonist is a gorgeous homage to landmark titles of the past
Developer Slavic Magic’s feudal simulator is Steam’s latest early access sensation, but there’s a seven-year story behind its overnight success
Seattle studio Aggro Crab has a hit on its hands – and behind all its jokes and excellent crustacean combat lies an uncomfortable truth about our world