Barbie was on the big screen, Taylor Swift on the airwaves… How well do you remember the year that was?
This niche, lovingly crafted piece of hardware brings back vibrant and exciting details and memories of a much-missed console
In this week’s newsletter: While the ‘gaming Oscars’ are more like a three-hour long ad show these days, here’s the best of what was announced
Turn yourself into a property tycoon one scrubbed floor at a time in this low-stress game that finds the fun in fastidiousness
We would like to hear about your favourite game of the year and why
Covid dealt the fatal blow to E3, known as ‘video game Christmas’, where gaming companies launched their splashiest titles
As a bouncer, you might not think that trying to outwit guards would be relaxing for me – but stealth games do make me think about my job a little differently
Keeping everyone entertained during the festive season can be difficult. When tensions are high and patience and sobriety are in shorty supply communal video games could be the answer
This open-world survival sim is a shameless act of corporate synergy, but it’s luscious and relaxing, with a nostalgic, surprisingly emotional charm
In 1993, a team of five coders released what would become one of the most influential video games ever made. Three decades on, they explain how they did it